Women In The Business Arena

How to Navigate Self-Doubt



“Our ability to manage our self-doubt is what determines our ability to succeed.” - Sonya Stattmann This week on Women in the Business Arena, we’re getting real about self-doubt. Self-Doubt is the number one saboteur in our business. It is a pervasive influence that has shown up in the life of every single woman we’ve ever met. At times, the intensity of our self-doubt can match the intensity of our creativity, fire, excitement, and passion that led us to start a business in the first place. So, if self-doubt is universal, how do we navigate it successfully? “What we resist persists.” - Laura Shook-Guzman As with most feelings that we feel are “negative,” we can falsely assume that if we ignore self-doubt, it will go away. However, the full spectrum of human emotions is actually necessary for us to experience full and successful business and lives, even self-doubt.   Perhaps the most important step to overcoming self-doubt is to practice separating yourself from your fears. When we align our identity