Post-nuclear Reno

#5 - Tinsel Furby Santa



Guess who? Yep, you got it right, it's Reno comedian Austin Baca joining me again this week and we discuss the bandits that made off with my gear, the differences between some mutants, and our surroundings as we run out of things to talk about to each other. Enthralling? No! A Podcast? Technically! We give shout-outs in the show to local musician Bazooka Zac who DJ'd another string of shows we talked about from out comrade in Reno, Nik Taro who is hosting weekly charity shows for those affected by the DAPL in Standing Rock. Just because I could, I shouted out Reno Native K-Von, who will be visiting Reno this coming week at the Pioneer Underground. Post-Nuclear Reno is a comedy podcast hosted by Bobby Benedict and guested by Reno comedians and other special guests. The podcast is set in a world created weekly by the guests set around the idea that we are in an apocalyptic alternate reality.