Home Repair Tutor

051: Find the Right Paint Tool and Painting Doors without Removing Them



Today’s Quick Tip is about how to find the right paint tool. Purdy is my favorite type of paint brush, they make quality supplies that can make your paint project look sharp. But figuring out what kind of brush to use is a problem. Well, they came up with the Purdy Tool Selector to help you with this issue.   http://www.purdy.com/   I’m here to say that the brush you use makes all the difference, especially when cutting in with two different colors (e.g. purple walls and white ceilings..)   Purdy brushes aren’t cheap but they last forever. You’ll love using them, I do.   The Quick Tip is a great transition into today’s tutorial which is how to paint a door without removing it from the hinges.    My DIY friend Sarah from The Ugly Duckling House has a great tutorial on how to this. You can check it out here   http://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/hinge-help/   Taking doors off the hinges can create a snowball effect of problems. Plus, often the door is very heavy. It’s much easier to leave it and paint the darn thin