Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

107. Keeping Patients Out of the Clinic | Dr. Marc Rubenstein



We're excited to have Dr. Marc Rubenstein on this week's episode of Pain Reframed! He, Tim, and Jeff discuss the idea of empowered relief, taught by Dr. Beth Darnall, a former guest on this podcast, and how it can help us with our ultimate goal: helping chronic pain patients help themselves.  Dr. Marc Rubenstein is the owner of Jersey Physical Therapy and Jersey LiveWell, a health management company that works with individuals to reduce chronic disease burden and partners with companies to save on healthcare costs. A long-time listener of Pain Reframed, Marc is dedicated to helping chronic pain patients throughout his community. For more tools to help your chronic pain patients, check out these courses. LINKS: Twitter - @ISPITeam Twitter - @MarcRubyDPT Twitter - @BethDarnall Listen to Dr. Beth Darnall's episodes - Pain Catastrophizing and We Have Ignored the Pain Psychology of Patients