Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

78: Reframed Recap: 8th Edition | Colorado Health Education Summit | Dr. Jamie Childs Everitt | Eric Chaconas and Ahmed Rashwan



It’s been a while since we’ve done a Reframed Recap. We’re excited to get back together and dive deeper into the nuggets shared on a couple episodes over the past few months. Dr. Tim Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore discuss, first of all, some key takeaways and lessons learned from attending the Colorado Health Education Summit! This ties in with episode 76 with Dr. Jamie Childs Everitt. Make sure to listen that episode with Jamie if you haven’t already. They also dig deeper into the conversation and content shared in the episode with Eric Chaconas and Ahmed Rashwan (episode 73). There are some great nuggets of wisdom shared in this episode! LINKS: @eimteam