Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Transformational Visibility with Jessica Huie MBE



Living the BOLD in a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life can often be the thing we struggle with the most. Becoming visible and stepping up to share our voice can lead to all kinds of fears rearing their heads around being judged, not being good enough, or the good old imposter creeping in to try and keep us back behind the curtain. But, you are needed. Your voice needs to be heard. And thankfully, on the Practical Magic Podcast this week, I am speaking with Jessica Huie MBE, who’s here to help you do just that. She’s on the show sharing her work on Transformational Visibility. Jessica enjoyed a glittering career as a publicist and has worked with some of the world’s biggest stars, including Samuel L. Jackson and Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. Her book PURPOSE, published by Hay House in 2018, has been instrumental in helping us connect in with our mission to show up and live life from a place of being guided from within - and now Transformational Visibility is about helping us to show up and share our voice. Jessica