Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

020: Ed realized that his research didn't lend itself to large grants that are required to be hired at an R1 university. He used this to his advantage to learn what it took to become a consultant for higher education.



Ed realized that his research didn't lend itself to large grants that are required to be hired at an R1 university. He used this to his advantage to learn what it took to become a consultant for higher education. Ed is a senior director with the Education Advisory Board and serves as their leading expert in student success and retention. To learn more about ED and the Education Advisory Board check out their website. Biggest Struggle Comparing himself to peers that went into careers after undergrad and watching their lives move forward. Worst Moment He didn't really have a worst moment. Best Moment Finishing and realizing that he was one of the experts on his small topic area of specialization. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: A really high motor meaning he put 100% effort into a task. Book:  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte Productivity Tool: Mobile Email Best Advice:  Received too much good advice to pick one thing! Hobbies:  Athletics, rugby, dabbling in the stock market