Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

017: David overcame a difficult candidacy exam to land an amazing position as an assistant research professor



David overcame a sub-par performance during his candidacy exam to go on to not only overcome the weakness seen during the exam but to land an amazing assistant research professor position.  David is an Assistant Research Professor at Auburn University. His research focuses on how humans affect wildlife populations and habitats. He is passionate about educating the public about wildlife ecology and conservation. To learn even more about David and his research visit the about page of his blog. Biggest Struggle Realizing that he had a lot to prove as a graduate student to show that he was making progress towards a project. Worst Moment Having his committee not completely pleased with his candidacy exam. Best Moment Having everything come together during his dissertation defense and having an enjoyable conversation with his committee. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Being interested and passionate about what he is doing. Book:  (1) Jaguar: One Man's Struggle to Establish the World's First Jaguar Preserve b