So Stupendous

Ep. 3: Meet Cody, a PROFESSIONAL CORNHOLE PLAYER (!!!) + Cobra Kai's Martin Kove on John Kreese and '80s Action Movies



Hey! Hey you! Welcome back to SO STUPENDOUS! Thanks for checking out the pod this week. It's episode 3 and there is NO MERCY on this week's podcast (...that's a Cobra Kai reference).  This week I - @brandonwenerd - talked to professional cornhole player Cody Henderson. The great American competitive cornhole wave is starting to fly high - Cornhole tournaments from the American Cornhole League are being aired on ESPN now. If you get a chance, check it out - It's riveting in a very ESPN The Ocho kind of way. Cody explains the ins-and-outs of pro cornhole - Really happy to have him come on to explain what it's like when you're playing in true high pressure situations.  Also have Hollywood actor Martin Kove on the podcast. Kove did his own stunts in all sorts of action movies in the '80s. Just a warning - There are SPOILERS AHEAD if you haven't watched Kobra Kai on YouTube yet.    CHEAT SHEET:  Intro: Ayyyy, did you hear George Clinton just dropped his first album in 38 years?! WE WANT THE FUNK!  13:00 - A chat w