Whatcha Gonna Do? The Hulk Hogan Movie Podcast

75 - When We Move on to Suburban Commando



Well, it’s finally here.  That countdown clock finally struck double-zero, and we couldn’t be more excited.  We just couldn’t be more excited.  A couple episodes back, we declared our Hulk Hogan hiatus at an end, and of course, that a wonderful thing.  It’s just a wonderful thing.  But you know what’s even better?  How about when we wake up in that crisp pre-dawn air, get back behind that wheel, peel out on that long stretch of desert road, and haul ass straight at that rising sun?  Yeah, we could look in that rear-view mirror, get a glimpse of that past just behind us, see all the mistakes we’ve made along the way, see that ol’ hiatus standing there with its thumb out, a forlorn hitchhiker on a long stretch of desert road.  But that’s not how we operate, baby.  We move in one direction and one direction only, and that’s forward.  And right now, forward has us haulin’ ass on a long stretch of desert road at dawn, headed straight at that rising sun and for glories untold.  And if you wanna call shotgun, all yo