Whatcha Gonna Do? The Hulk Hogan Movie Podcast

50 - When We Grab the Punk by the Scruff of His Leather Jacket



Welcome back, everybody.  It’s been exactly 14 days since we released our annual Valentine’s Day episode.  To celebrate that most romantic of holidays, we of course continued our review of the No Holds Barred script written by Dennis Hackin and compared it to the final version written by Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon.  And of course, we got to read about the first true romantic advances between Ripper and Samantha N. Moore.  It was a scene filled with charm, a scene filled with laughter, and, ultimately, a scene filled with white-hot eroticism.  Now I ask you this.  When you’ve just covered a scene so sensual, so incredibly steamy that your glasses fogged up just listening to it, how can you possibly follow it up?  Well, if you answered that, of course, you follow it up with a wrestling-based children’s charity field day, then, my friend, you just might have a future in this business…’cause that’s exactly where ol’ Hack is headed next.  Now let’s take it one step further.  How does one proceed after a scene of