Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Member Self-Publishing Q&A w/ Orna Ross & Joseph Alexander: June 2017



Ep#55: Orna Ross & Joseph Alexander answer members' questions on writing, publishing and promoting books. Each month, Orna Ross, ALLi Director, invites a special guest into the indie author hot seat to answer ALLi Members’ questions. This month’s special guest is non-fiction indie authors Joseph Alexander who built his Fundamental Changes guitar series into a instantly recognizable author brand. Find out some of the secrets of his success, and listen in as he and Orna answer self-publishing questions posed by our ALLi Members. Here's the self-publishing questions asked and answered this month: Q: I hear other authors say that promoting non-fiction is easier than promoting fiction, but my efforts aren't working for me - what am I doing wrong? Q: I'm publishing a comic self-help book, can you help me with a basic low cost marketing plan, or one that is free to implement? Q: Are Amazon Ads a good option for indie authors? Q: What is the best approach for Facebook Advertising. Should I be promoting my Facebo