Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Member Self-Publishing Q&A w/ Orna Ross & Paul Teague: April 2017



Ep#53: Orna Ross and Paul Teague answer members' questions on writing, publishing and promoting books. Each month Orna Ross and a special guest answer Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) Members' questions. This month we're welcoming Paul Teague into the hot seat to talk about a series of videos he's created especially for ALLi. And to answer our members' latest, most pressing questions with Orna. Our monthly Ask ALLi broadcasts are an ideal way to keep learning about being an indie author and the skills you needed to become a successful self-publisher. Here's the self-publishing questions asked and answered this month: Q: I’m printing and distributing through Ingram Spark. What's the best way to set up returns? Q: Amazon has it’s own imprint. Will they end up only selling books from Amazon Publishing and and ignore Indie Author's books? Q: What are you three top tips for using LinkedIn to develop your author brand? Q: I have a wordpress website hosted on Bluehost, where can I host a test site so that I c