Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Fringe: Write Better Stories Faster Sean Platt and Johnny B Truant



Ep#40: Self-Publishing Advice Podcast: Indie Author Fringe Highlight with Sean Platt and Johnny B Truant of Sterling & Stone believe the key to writing better is to write faster. Here they talk about their creative process, how planning helps authors to write a better story in less time, even if they're "pantsers", and their new story-planning app. A lot of indie publishing is frontier thinking. Sean and Johnny have been figuring the best way to approach their writing process, and in this podcast they share some lessons and techniques they’ve learned along the way. Here are three elements from this podcast that really resonated with me: Understanding your genre foundations. Know your characters. The importance of cover design for your readers, and you. Want to know why some books sell more than others? This information is out there and accessible to anyone who wants to take the time to understand their genre better. At the end of the day, if you want to sell more books, you have to write books that appe