Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Member Self-Publishing Q&A w/ Joanna Penn & Orna Ross: October 2015



Ep#22: Orna Ross and Joanna Penn answer members' questions on writing, publishing and promoting books. Here’s the questions posed to Orna and Joanna this month: Q: I’m writing my first book and I’m overwhelmed by all the other self-publishing and indie author tasks I should be doing like blogging and marketing. What should I focus on? Q: I’ve never written a book before, and wanted to know if I needed to hire a lawyer to look over the self-publishing contracts from IngramSpark and CreateSpace? Q: What are the pros and cons of using ACX? Q: What are the pitfalls of creating a 2nd Edition version of a currently published novel? Q: I’ve marketed my book in the UK and the US in the same way, but have had minimal sales success in the US. Is this market a harder nut to crack? Our weekly Self-Publishing Advice broadcast is brought to you by ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors. This Member Self-Publishing Q&A is one of four regular shows, which include a more advanced salon, a beginners' salon and a speci