What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#93 Charlie Brenneman- UFC Fighter's Life Lessons



“You can learn your way to confidence and courage. You can learn your way out of mediocrity. It takes consistent hard work, and you have to believe it’s possible, but it is indeed possible.” This is the mindset of Charlie “The Spaniard” Brenneman who joins Sean today on the podcast. With this mindset Charlie rose through the ranks of the UFC while fighting some of the most accomplished mixed martial artists in the world. Now that his fighting career is done Charlie is attacking life as a constant learner and helping others get the most out of life.   http://whatgotyouthere.com/ GlobeKick 10% off with discount code “WGYT” https://globekick.com/ 15% off Four Sigmatic with discount code "WGYT" http://foursigmatic.com/wgyt   https://charliespaniard.com/ https://www.facebook.com/charliespaniard https://twitter.com/charliespaniard https://www.instagram.com/charliespaniard/   https://twitter.com/WhatGotYouThere https://www.instagram.com/whatgotyoutherepodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/whatgotyouthere/ https://www.li