Penny & Pops Podcast -

J.I. Has Fallen; Bubble Magic Are 2-0 - Episode 45 - August 3, 2020



The elation Magic fans had seeing the return of Jonathan Isaac to the court a week ago has now been replaced with horror. J.I. tore his ACL in the second ‘seeding’ game Sunday evening v. the Kings. This is going to change the team’s long-term plans as JI’s track record of ankle and knee issues have to be factored into that outlook. The Magic are 2-0 though in the Disney World village, scoring at a blistering pace so far in the seeding games, and holding a slight lead over Brooklyn for the 7th seed. This week will be a huge test and will probably determine how much of a threat (or non-threat) Orlando will be in the playoffs. Get well soon, J.I. #LetsGoMagic #MagicAboveAll Warning: Adult Language Song: WIN – Jay Rock