Fcc Houston Sermons

"Christianity in the 21st Century: The Hereafter" by Rev. Jonathan C. Page



Heaven is spiritual union with God. According to Jesus and Paul, the after life is not like this life. We don't "switch horses and keep on riding." The next life is about union with God. Our created bodies make that union only partial. Once we die, our bodies are transformed and able to exist in the presence of absolute love. A sermon on Luke 20:27-40 delivered by Rev. Jonathan C. Page at First Congregational Church of Houston on November 08, 2020 www.fcc-houston.org/ Welcome! We're glad you're here. You can follow the service via the Sunday Bulletin at https://www.fcc-houston.org/bulletin/ Meet & Greet Every Sunday, you can join our after- service Zoom gathering here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89596247105?pwd=c2wzdkR2TVI5bmlKeGdoZXdtd05RZz09 New to First Congregational? Please feel free to reach out to Rev. Jonathan Page (jon@fcc-houston.org) to learn more about the church and its ministries. He would be happy to meet with you via Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. Welcome! How to Stay Up to Date Sign