Fcc Houston Sermons

"Christianity in the 21st Century: Human Flourishing" by Rev. Jonathan C. Page



The aim of the Christian life is flourishing. The aim of Christianity is not self-inflicted pain or suffering. It is about living a flourishing life with God. Christians believe that is what brings true happiness and joy. It does not mean always being free from pain or suffering, which would be impossible. But it does mean finding meaning and joy in life's moments and in service to others. A sermon on John 10:1-10 delivered by Rev. Jonathan C. Page at First Congregational Church of Houston on November 01, 2020 www.fcc-houston.org/ Welcome! We're glad you're here. You can follow the service via the Sunday Bulletin at https://www.fcc-houston.org/bulletin/ Meet & Greet Every Sunday, you can join our after- service Zoom gathering here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89596247105?pwd=c2wzdkR2TVI5bmlKeGdoZXdtd05RZz09 New to First Congregational? Please feel free to reach out to Rev. Jonathan Page (jon@fcc-houston.org) to learn more about the church and its ministries. He would be happy to meet with you via Zoom,