Bonus Barrel - Gaming Pod

Bonus Barrel 21 - Nintendo Direct Discussion



Welcome to this extremely exciting episode of Bonus Barrel! In this episode we talk about a few news articles(that is not related to Nintendo Direct) and then dive in to discuss the events revealed in the latest Nintendo Direct. The Smash announces were exciting - especially the Smash Ballot so we all brought in 2-3 suggestions of characters that would be really cool to see in Smash. We also come up with a plan to get Seigi into a game.. to get him into Smash.. to finally have him attain his dream - to become an amiibo. We also argue about Mario vs Sonic (in a fight). We talk about all the other events of the show (Yoshi's Wooly World, SMTXFire Emblem, Pokemon Rumble, Puzzles and Dragons Mario, Street Pass Update, Animal Crossing and Mario Kart). It's all pretty fun! Music in today's episode: Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff) Music jingle from Nintendo Direct.