Bonus Barrel - Gaming Pod

Bonus Barrel 14 - Bayonetta



Welcome to this episode of Bonus Barrel! In this episode we talk about the first Bayonetta game (and it's Wii U port). Bayonetta is an awesome game and if you haven't played it you should have. Lots of spoilers this episode, so hopefully you don't mind those. In this episode we talk about the gameplay, the story, and all the things we liked and didn't like. And other stuff. Always other stuff. Check it out and let us know what you think! Music in today's episode: Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff) Music from games discussed: Bayonetta - Space Harrier (Climax Mix) Bayonetta - The Gates of Hell Bayonetta - Sapientia - In The Choice Between Good and Evil Bayonetta - Angel Advent C