Bonus Barrel - Gaming Pod

Bonus Barrel 12 - Dynowarz



Welcome to this episode of Bonus Barrel! In this episode we talk about DYNOWARZ - THE DESTRUCTION OF SPONDYLUS. It gets all caps because it's that epic. Seriously, what better topic to discuss for this mini Bonus Barrel then the most rad and gnarliest game we could think of? If you're not hyped to play Dynowarz then you are weird. If you're not hyped to listen to three adults talk about a game that came out when they were kids.. then you are probably super weird. There's nothing wrong with being weird, but you should still listen. Music in today's episode: Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff) Music from games discussed: Dynowarz: Planet Surface Computer Room Boss Planet Surface Boss Title Screen Level Interior SFX - FF7