Bonus Barrel - Gaming Pod

Bonus Barrel 11 - Here's Why You Should Play and FF Arguments



Welcome to this episode of Bonus Barrel! In this episode we talk about.. a lot of things. This is our longest yet. We tend to aim for an hour but there's was just so much to talk about! In our first segment we cover all kinds of news: Some stuff about Resident Evil Revelations 2, Ray Gigant Announcement, Dragon Quest Heroes, and the Final Fantasy Dissidia arcade - which quickly turns into a which is the best FF argument. We talk about some pick ups and then we move on to our newest segment "Here's why you should play this" (or Game and Tell). We each pick a game and bring it (without telling the others what it is) and try our best to convince them to play it. It's a lot of fun! Even if you don't like fun you should still listen because it will make you a better human being. Links and Trailers: http://www.sili