Strong Voices - Overcoming Speaking Challenges

Episode 44 - “Get out there and test yourself” - with Neil Patterson.



Episode 44 released - “Get out there and test yourself” - with Neil Patterson. Dazzle in a taste of Queensland sunshine as McGuire certified primary coach Neil Patterson shares his speaking journey, his highlights, pitfalls and sprinkles the episode with sparkling gems of advice. The production team wishes you all a Very Happy and prosperous 2020. Join us in the coming weeks for our very last episode. Stay tuned. Search and subscribe to “Strong Voices - overcoming speaking challenges” in Apple or Google podcasts, your favourite podcasting app, or click onto the link below. Have a great day Strong Voices production team. —— Strong Voices - overcoming speaking challenges podcast provides a platform for those with speaking challenges to tell their stories. Topics discussed may be highly personal in nature and may lead to an expression of genuinely held opinions. The opinions expressed in this podcast are not necessarily the opinions of the Str