Strong Voices - Overcoming Speaking Challenges

Episode 22 - Go out and just do it! - with Owen Westwood



Episode 22 released - Go out and just do it! - with Owen Westwood. Our second on site “pop up” interview explores the question - would you appear on national television program early on in your speaking journey? Find out with Owen Westwood as he demonstrates a “can do” “go out and just do it!” attitude. As a bonus, we include a link to a very special Owen Westwood speech journey video on youtube. Email: Twitter: svpodcastaus Facebook: svpodcast1 Find us in the iTunes, Google Podcasts or wherever good podcasts are found. —— Strong Voices - overcoming speaking challenges podcast provides a platform for those with speaking challenges to tell their stories. Topics discussed may be highly personal in nature and may lead to an expression of genuinely held opinions. The opinions expressed in this podcast are not necessarily the opinions of the Strong Voices production team and opinions are solely of the interviewee. Opinions expressed by intervi