Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Bring It Home, Shawn Newell



I’m Derek Miller, and this is Speaking on Business. Shawn Newell is Vice President of Business Development at Industrial Supply and one of Utah’s most effective networkers – bringing people together and mentoring the next generation of business leaders. Today, he has a special message for all of us. SHAWN NEWELL I’m passionate about Utah and I’ve dedicated my professional career to connecting dots – to bringing people together. In Utah we work and grow as communities. We meet challenges head on, and we become strengthened through the experience. This model has helped see us through the coronavirus pandemic, and while I would like to say it’s behind us, we still need to achieve herd immunity. And it’s important we do this before fall, when there’s a possibility for another surge. To avoid that, the Utah Department of Health has a goal of vaccinating at least 70% of Utahns age 18 or older by July 4th. That’s Independence Day, and it’s right around the corner. But we can do this! Already 63% of us ha