Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Bring It Home, Dr. Donna Milavetz



This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Dr. Donna Milavetz is a mother, physician, business leader, regional vice president of Steward Healthcare Network, and incoming vice chair of the Salt Lake Chamber. With that expertise and focus on our community, she has an important message for all of us. DONNA MILAVETZ My top priority is health, and I have been impressed by the way Utah has led the nation in so many ways throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Now, we need to see this challenge through. We need to beat COVID-19 completely, achieving herd community and protecting those we love. To do this, the State has set the goal to get 70 percent of those 18-and-older vaccinated by July 4th. What a special holiday it can be this year. The spirit of Independence will be twice as sweet. Already 63 percent of us – our friends and family -- have received the vaccination. It’s safe. It’s effective. And it’s essential to achieve immunity. We have come so far, and we are so close. Please join us now to “