Lend Me Your Ear




John Rossman is a US tech entrepreneur who worked alongside Jeff Bezos as he built Amazon. America’s third most valuable company after Microsoft and Apple, Amazon has a stock market value approaching a trillion dollars – bigger than the national income of Switzerland, Taiwan, Sweden and all but 17 countries in the world. The company accounts for almost half of all US internet-based retailing, up from less than a fifth back in 2011. And this e-commerce giant – whose activities now range from retailing to entertainment, health and life sciences – is increasingly in the firing line, over subjects including data use, market power and tax. John Rossman, who launched and led some of Amazon’s most important divisions, provides insightful analysis on all these issues and more. We also discuss his book - "Think Like Amazon: 50 and a half ideas to become a Digital Leader" This interview was written up in The Telegraph on Sunday 13th October 2019 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2019/10/12/amazons-success-stifl