Utah 3ds Podcast

Utah 3DS Podcast | Episode 6



Every month, the staff of Utah 3DS StreetPass records a podcast going over some of the latest Nintendo news while discussing new and upcoming video game releases heading to the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. EPISODE 6 - This month's episode of Utah 3DS Podcast thanks the (few) listeners we have, speculates on Nintendo's future console, and try to stay focused while Kyle plays his way through the first world in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Listener question: What would you like to see in a future Nintendo platform? Email Chris at chris(at)utah3ds.com with PODCAST in the subject line and we may read it on the next episode. Questions? Comments? Idea's for a discussion? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please send all inquiries to chris-at-utah3ds.com with PODCAST in the subject line.