Humboldt Last Week

200. Newborn shakeup | Indoor eats | Mega-grow proposed | New spin Scotia Inn | Fried chicken | FOX



The hospital in Fortuna is nixing baby deliveries, a less restrictive COVID tier, a proposal for one of the country’s largest cannabis farms, big plans for the Scotia Inn, fried chicken, a mega-trail moves forward, FOX’s animation domination, a baby rescue, lawmakers turning heads, new music, that Eureka redwood canopy walk is still forthcoming, big attention for SoHum cannabis, and more. Humboldt Last Week is Humboldt County’s news podcast brought to you in collaboration with Kristjana Graham Massage Therapy, North Coast Co-op, Bongo Boy Studio, Photography by Shi, the Candis Danielson recovery fund, NCJ, RHBB, and KJNY.