Cloud Streaks

42. Discussing Motivated Reasoning from Scientific American. Mentioning Matt Taibbi and more



The seed article: - Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Have Evolved to Dismiss Facts That Don’t Fit Their Worldview - Matt Taibbi and his book Hate Inc's 10 rules: 1. THERE ARE ONLY TWO IDEAS 2. THE TWO IDEAS ARE IN PERMANENT CONFLICT 3. HATE PEOPLE, NOT INSTITUTIONS 4. EVERYTHING IS SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT 5. NOTHING IS EVERYONE’S FAULT 6. ROOT, DON’T THINK 7. NO SWITCHING TEAMS 8. THE OTHER SIDE IS LITERALLY HITLER 9. IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HITLER, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED 10. FEEL SUPERIOR F. Scott Fitzgerald "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." Contact us at