Jabari Hall: Attitude-belief-committment




"ITIS IN YOUR NATURE" Jabari Hall --------------------------------- So how do we step out of our comfort zone ? How do we change our existing Nature ? How do we become this person we want to be or are meant to be ? . 1. Become aware of the problem or issue and thing you want to change. 2. Acknowledge it; Say hello, but be prepared to say good bye. 3. Take that first step in the direction of change. That could making a declaration, or leaving the relationship, updating your resume, something ! 4. Force yourself to recognize when that “old you” surfaces itself again. And make the necessary adjustment that the “new you” demands. See you're doing things the old you wants you to do, and if you don’t dig deep inside yourself, yank that summa **** out, then the old you will sit and wait for your next weak moment. But you have the power and the authority to change. And it will only happen if you want to. And if you continue to practice on the new you, build on the new you, be disciplined enough to not go back to