Jabari Hall: Attitude-belief-committment




Jabari Hall's Weekly Motivation Podcast - Episode V ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ask you, how bad do you want it? I mean how. Bad. Do. You. Want. It. Cuz' if you truly want to be whatever it is that you want to be. Hear me and hear me well. You better start today. Forget about yesterday forget about that 1 little hour of work you put in or the tears you cried because you didn't do jack squat. Forget about it... start today. And every time somebody doubts you, and distracts you, and says "you cant do it". Smile. Give them a thumbs up and and say watch me. Because you are on a mission where there are no invitation cards. No plus 1s. No u-turns. No quitting. No distractions. Only your obsessive, disturbing, undeniable, quest for greatness... Start.. today.