Jabari Hall: Attitude-belief-committment




Jabari Hall's Weekly Motivation Podcast - Episode IV ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Charge of your life. Find your purpose, and follow it til the end. Live Happy, Healthy, and Loving. What are you so afraid of? The unknown , afraid that it might not work? ...Stop Stop Sssttooppp!!! You were put here for a reason! GOD only creates things with a purpose. He created the sun to shine at day, then moon to light the night sky. He created that thing beating inside your chest, and its time clock is set on your finding out WHY! Whatever is in your body, running through your veins. Pulsating . Breathing . Growing . It's Powerful. It's Pulling you in that direction. It's opening the door to your destiny. And creating an unstoppable force unlike this world has ever seen. Joel Osteen said "if you're gonna walk on water, you gotta come out of the boat". So if you're gonna figure out your WHY, you gotta step out of your comfort zone, step out of the ordinary and into what