Regent Hall Sermons: Espresso Yourself

Worshipping God With Our Senses 2 Hearing



We continue our series: ‘Worshipping God with our senses’. Here, I shall be considering thoughts around hearing and listening. I want to say right at the outset that God still speaks! In a world that both demands and attracts our attention in a myriad different ways, our ears, hearts and minds are not always attuned to physically listening out for a Word from the Lord. However, God’s sound can be heard audibly if only we know how to listen. Sometimes this takes discipline. It often involves summoning a quiet consciousness – finding time and space to concentrate on what is speaking to you about God and consequently, what is urging you on to worship God. A deep spiritual skill is distinguishing between the voice of God and the voices which are not of God. The writer Henri Nouwen suggests that ‘the more faithful we are to our vocation (as Christians) the easier such distinguishing will become. Do not despair’ The Bible has many and varied verses which speak of the sound of God, his voice and presence. We