Regent Hall Sermons: Espresso Yourself

Worshipping God With Our Senses 1 - Sight



Today we commence a five-week series on Worshipping God with our senses. This is fascinating stuff! More than that, it is deeply spiritual. Scripture is full of references that speak of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching. In this series Ali, Caroline and I will be exploring each one of these senses and how they enhance our experience and worship of God. For some, the past year of Lockdown may have heightened these senses, for others they will have been dulled. Our prayer is that through God’s Word to us here, we might really delve deep into our feelings and there find God in Christ at the very depth of who we are with all our faults yet also, with all our gifts. In this Bible message we consider ‘Sight’ focussing on Isaiah’s great vision of God in Chapter six of his book. As Saint Matthew’s Gospel says: ‘blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. May that be so for us all. Major Richard Mingay