Regent Hall Sermons: Espresso Yourself

The Grace of the Sabbath



We conclude our mini-series on the Sabbath. This week we consider ‘The Story of the Prodigal Son through the lens of the Sabbath.’ At first sight this might appear to be a bit of a mouthful, but I hope and pray that this story will provide us an example of how to truly apply Sabbath thinking to our own lives today. So many of us know that this well-known story is about the love and the grace of the Father. There is a correlation here between the life of true love and freedom as seen in the Prodigal’s renewed relationship with his father, and the liberation that the Israelites found in the Promised Land. Once they were slaves, working all the hours God sent for little reward, but then they became free to enjoy the blessing, the grace and the rest of God our Creator. God loves us for who we are. We don’t have to prove our worth. God says ‘You are worthy, whatever your story, whoever you are’. This is the Grace of the Sabbath. Major Richard Mingay