Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to change the direction of your life: Amber Sandberg: 249



Do you feel stuck? Today I will be interviewed on my friend Jenny Stemmerman's podcast where we talk all about changing the direction of your life. I share with her that the one of the reasons I wanted to get certified as a life coach was to help moms beyond the podcast. I know it's so easy to get stuck in a rut or feel like you don't know what your purpose is outside of running a home. Maybe you want to lose weight, or get out of debt, maybe you are struggling with self-confidence since having kids, these are just some of the things that I have been given tools for to help my clients. Here are my 3 tips to help you move forward and create the life you want: 1. Assessing your thoughts:  Understanding where you are and what you are feeling and what is missing.  There are a lot of emotions that can come up with this….it is easier said than done.  Don’t plan on this being a short process.  A journal might help you process and track your thoughts and emotions.  This is also where a coach is so helpful because t