Adhd Essentials

Reading is a Complicated Process, with Beth Dinelli and Alex Fortuna, Reading Specialists



Today, we’re talking to Beth Dinelli and Alex Fortuna of the Commonwealth Learning Center.  The Commonwealth Learning Center supports kids with learning disabilities through specialized, one-to-one instruction.  Beth is the director of Commonwealth Learning Center in Danvers, MA, and Alex is the director of Commonwealth Learning Center in Needham, MA. LAST DAY TO REGISTER for The ADHD Essentials Online Parent Coaching Groups!   In today’s episode, we’re talking about the intersection of reading and ADHD.   Alex, Beth and I look at the various elements that going into reading, from very basic foundational elements, to more sophisticated ones.  We also discuss multiple reading disorders, dyslexia among them, and ways parents can help their kids read better, and more. Sign-Up for October's ADHD reWired Live Q&A!! SPECIAL NOTE:  The audio on this one is a little static-y and click-y.  I apologize in advance.  We did what we could to clean it up, but some of it is still there.  BONUS SPECIAL NOTE:  In ord