Double Edged Double Bill

51: Escape from Inside Llewyn Davis: A Redemption Song



By the very nature of Double Edged Double Bill's format - in which Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani each have two films & have one from those pairs selected as the good and bad portion of a double feature - many potential films from previous episodes are left by the wayside. Given they've passed the 50 episode mark, our duo has decided to give two previous losers of the draw a chance at the spotlight. First the good feature is Inside Llewyn Davis, Thomas' alternative choice from their Coen Brothers episode. Then the bad feature is Escape from L.A., Adam's alternative choice from their dystopian fiction episode. Quite a double bill, huh? Together, our duo will advise Justin Timberlake to come to terms with his new dorky dad phase, pitch a Wyatt Russell take over of the Snake Plissken franchise and pick their films for next week's topic on the Marvel Cinematic Universe! So tune your guitars and play along with their ballad of redemption, ya post apocalyptic folkies! To stay up to date about the podcast, foll