Double Edged Double Bill

38: Star Trek - Wrath of Generations



This week, our captains Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani are going where no man has gone before: the Star Trek film franchise! Alright, plenty of Trekkers have been here before, but not our intrepid crew of the USS Double Edged Double Bill! Beaming aboard is returning guest and actual Trekker Kaycee Jarrard who will school Adam and Thomas as they venture into this double bill. First is the good feature Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which may be so good that it broke the potential of all Trek films to follow. Then, our bad feature is Star Trek Generations which brought Captains Kirk and Picard on screen together to... mixed results. Plus, crying over uniform adjustment, questions about Picard's love of Dickensian children and our picks for next week! Engage with us here! To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at! If you like the show, please go on iTunes to subscribe, rate and/or review us to give the show mo