Double Edged Double Bill

16: Muppets From America



Time to play the music and light the lights! In honor of Happytime Murders coming out this week, Double Edged Double Bill is doing a double feature all about puppet films. First up is our good feature Team America: World Police from South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. This satire of Jerry Bruckheimer action flicks & post-9/11 politics is one of the more memed puppet productions out there, but does the satire still hold as solidly as it did 16 years ago? Then, the duo blasts off for Muppets From Space, the movie that killed the theatrical Muppets films for a decade. Is it out of this world or does it feel like a stuck up where the sun don't shine? Listen here to find out! If you're in the Atlanta, GA area, come to Dragon Con (August 31st - September 3rd) where Thomas is doing panels for the Urban Fantasy and Horror Tracks! Below are the panels he'll be on: Fighting Unbeatable Evil: An Angel Fan Panel Time: Sat 09/01 01:00 pm Location: Chastain 1-2 - Westin Beetlejuice 30th Anniversary Panel