The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

Keys to A Fantastic Relationship



Two married guys (me and Blake) sit on a sidewalk outside a gym and talk about how to make relationships fantastic. We talk about mistakes we made, what we’ve learned and how to improve your relationship in every area. This is by far the funniest, most laughter-filled podcast we’ve recorded so hope you dig it. You’ll learn about Blake breaking microwaves and whether his wife thinks Matthew McConaughey or Lance Armstrong is fitter:). You’ll also learn the importance of choosing values over interests, enjoying mutual quality time and the concept of seeking to understand not necessarily agree. You’ll also learn the two most important questions to ask to improve your relationship. We also do a rapid-fire Q&A at the end covering important topics like: Who’s your celebrity crush? Who would play you in a movie about your life? What super-power would you give your wife if you could? It’s pretty awesome…