The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

Advice for Entrepreneurs & the Power of Focus- Lessons from Millionaire John Crestani



“The world needs to accelerate towards an economy based on passionate self-employment”-  John Crestani John Crestani is an internationally-renowned expert in internet marketing who joins us on the show today to talk about how to create a life of passion & purpose. John helps people to follow their passion & reveal their inner strengths to become successful entrepreneurs. Some of the things we talk about: His view on passion and self-employment. How to recognize and utilize upcoming trends in our world How to take a control of your time The traits every entrepreneur needs to be successful The importance of positivity in business and life The role of energy in every part of your life The magical “yes+ and” positivity formula His top-three lessons every entrepreneur needs to hear Look at your patterns- how do you react to certain scenarios. When you get a lot of money what happens next? Focus – Every business works, people who make a ton of money are the one who focus. They don’t jump around. The