The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

How to Run a Half Marathon (and why you should do it)



You can train and run a half-marathon. You may think you can’t but I believe you can.  On today’s podcast you’ll hear how I was able to train and run a half marathon successfully despite a multitude of injuries (past & present) and despite utilizing a training program that was largely devoid of running.     You’ll learn from Tricia Moore, my coach, on how you can train and run a half marathon successfully no matter what physical shape you’re in, past injuries you have, etc. She lays out the foundation for training as well as her beliefs on why running a race can be so empowering for anyone.   I’m living proof of someone who’s not designed to run: I’m slow & have messed up knees & back from sports; 47 years old; a few extra lbs and a general dislike of running:) Yet I run races for the insane sense of accomplishment at the end. I run for the runner’s high, I run for the freedom and I run to feel better about myself.  You can too.   So if you have any interest in building self-confidence & creating a life where