The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

34 Life Lessons to Make Your Life Epic Right Now



  Check out the podcast today to hear about 34 unconventional ways to make this the best year of your life.  These aren’t the typical life lessons like ‘work hard’ or ‘be positive’ either.  Those are great but today we dig into ideas to make you happier, have a better relationship, make more money, be more appreciated & effective at work. You’ll learn how to build confidence, choose success over perfection and why being opportunistic can be a bad idea (and what to do instead).   Check it out and get the tools to make your life even better, even more epic right away.    The lessons in short:   Ask the two best relationship questions ever (“What do you need most in our relationship? What do you want least in our relationship?”) Know your partners Love Language. Read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman Schedule weekly sex dates Be loyal to your partner and your word Choose being happy over being right Focus on your strengths Build confidence through small wins Create a personal highlight reel Build