The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

Advice for Men: Interview with Ryan Michler, Founder of Order Of Man



Blown away. That’s exactly how I felt after having Ryan Michler as a guest on the podcast today. He’s the Founder of and his perspective on manhood and being a real man is both refreshing and inspiring. Ryan is a husband, father, entrepreneur & war hero who lives in Utah with is family. On the podcast we talk about what it’s like to be a man today and how men can both improve and enjoy their lives.  We talk about his journey from being a disillusioned financial planner to launching (, a site that’s creating a brotherhood of men everywhere. Talking to Ryan was incredibly inspiring and I think you’ll really dig what he had to say. You’ll learn about The Uprising, a fantastic new men’s retreat that Ryan just launched this year.  It sounds like a blast, like Boy Scouts meets military training with fireside talks every night. Ryan also talks about his core beliefs about being a man including: being a protector, being a provider and presiding (being a good l