Cross Podcast

CROSS20:E1 Trip Lee - Our Father in Heaven



Plenary #1 at CROSS20.   Reflection Questions: 1. Trip Lee said, “If applause is what you really want, then that’s all you’ll ever get.” What are some good things in your life that you’ve tried to take credit for when in reality those good things are all from God? 2. Matthew 6:6 encourages us to pray in secret so that we might receive a reward rather than praying for the recognition of others. (1) Have you ever thought about getting alone with God to pray so that you might receive a reward? (2) What are practical steps you can take to pray more? 3. Trip Lee said, “Prayer is not us informing God but rather casting our cares on Him.” How can this reality encourage your prayer life? 4. How does Jesus give Christians freedom to pray imperfectly? 5. Would you be content doing good things for Jesus if no one else knew that you were doing them? And if not, who are you really serving? 6. Trip Lee said that one way to fight hypocrisy is to confess sin. Do you regularly confess your sin both to God and to other people?