Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[123] 7 Signs You're Obsessed with Stuff



If you’re finding that stuff is taking over your home or you’re weighed down by the amount of physical clutter in your life, this episode is for you. I’m sharing seven signs you’re obsessed with stuff, and outlining why you need to take control of your stuff before it takes control of you. Like this episode? You may also like: Ep5 – The Environmental Impact of Toys and How To Stop the Toy Invasion Ep76 - Four Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying Something New Ep77 - Tips on Decluttering and Organising Your Home with Helen Butler Ep102 - Five Simple Ways To Declutter Your House EP 120 – 3 Reasons To Rethink Supermarket Collectables   Learn More! Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs gives you the A to Z of living a simpler, more self-sufficient life, with a supportive community to boot! Click HERE to learn more.