Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[117] Recycling Soft Plastics with REDcycle



Plastics commonly make up the majority of a household's regular waste stream and most of us accept that soft plastic waste is just a part of life. Until now! Thanks to one innovative mum, Australians now have the opportunity to recycle their soft plastics via REDcycle. The REDcycle Program is a recovery initiative for post-consumer soft plastic. RED Group has teamed up with Coles, Woolworths and some of Australia’s most-loved brands to make it easy for you to keep your plastic bags and soft plastic packaging out of landfill.  In this episode, Rebecca Gleghorn from REDcycle will share how you (if you live in Australia) can easily get started recycling your soft plastics.  If you’re interested in being part of an active community supporting each other to reduce plastic consumption and transition to a zero waste home, join my growing Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs community.